Is MoreAliA suitable for children?

  • 20,000,000 Subscribers
  • 2,753 Videos
  • 10 Hours Watched
  • Categories: Everything Else Reaction Videos
  • Age Range(s): 6-9 years
Overall - 4/5

He seems fine really, I'm pretty confident I can leave my daughter alone to watch his videos

Annoyance - 2/5

This guy has a toned down "Youtuber" voice, little bit annoying.

Suitability - 4/5

His videos are "reaction" videos and these are generally suitable for all

MoreAliA is a “reaction” channel where he reacts and gives his opinion on what he’s just watched. His main channel is AliA where he focuses on the game Fortnite. I’ve not watched any of those video’s but I’ll add a review for it at some point in the future.

Overall Rating

MoreAliA does a good job at entertaining in a way that I have no problems with. His content is him reacting to videos which are usually fine. Mainly wholesome and funny. He’s not too annoying either. I’m happy to get on with my own thing and my daughter seems to enjoy his videos too.

Suitability Rating

I think if anything is likely to be picked up on your parent radar, it’s the actual videos he reacts to. So far I’ve not seen anything where I’d be like, nah stop, you shouldn’t be watching this, but then again that’s just my opinion. It’s generally funny and wholesome videos, memes and people beating the system and him reacting to this.

I think AliA knows his audience well and keeps it clean and suitable. I’ve got nothing to complain about and I sometimes find myself watching along and paying attention. So that’s a thumbs up in my books.

Annoyance Rating

By the sounds of it, AliA is from the UK and it’s nice to hear from a fellow UK person for once. Sorry, but those US Youtubers really do have the most annoying voices.

I’m happy to report that AliA’s “Youtuber voice” is quite tame in comparison to the others I’ve reviewed so far. He can be a little annoying when he gets animated, but I’m not sitting here thinking to myself “Jesus wept, just shut up” haha.

Overall I don’t really find him annoying, which is a breath of fresh air in the world of YouTube.

My Daughter's Opinion

I’ve just asked her what she thinks of him and she’s said she has no idea who he is 😅 I’m going to have to get her to watch some of his videos to get a better response from her!


"I really like him, he's just perfect" - When I asked her why she said she didn't know. That's kids for you!

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He seems fine really, I'm pretty confident I can leave my daughter alone to watch his videos


This guy has a toned down "Youtuber" voice, little bit annoying.


His videos are "reaction" videos and these are generally suitable for all

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  • 3 / 5
  • Overall
  • 4 / 5
  • Annoyance
  • 4 / 5
  • Suitability
  • 3 / 5
  • Overall
  • 3 / 5
  • Annoyance
  • 3 / 5
  • Suitability
  • 4 / 5
  • Overall
  • 4 / 5
  • Annoyance
  • 5 / 5
  • Suitability
  • 4 / 5
  • Overall
  • 4 / 5
  • Annoyance
  • 4 / 5
  • Suitability
  • 4 / 5
  • Overall
  • 1 / 5
  • Annoyance
  • 4 / 5
  • Suitability