Are the Stokes Twins suitable for children?

  • 108,000,000 Subscribers
  • 338 Videos
  • 6 Hours Watched
  • Categories: Everything Else
  • Age Range(s): 10-13 years 13+
Overall - 3/5

Fine for older kids. For younger kids I'd avoid

Annoyance - 2/5

Not that annoying, which is good

Suitability - 3/5

Censored language and fat jokes / banter. Best for older kids

The Stokes Twins are new to the roster in our household. Both myself and my daughter haven’t watched much of their content, but I’m initially leaning on the fact they aren’t suitable for her. 10 years + is where I’d place them in terms of suitability. That said, I’ll watch some more of their videos to get a better understanding.

Overall Rating

For older kids - 10+ The Stokes Twins should be fine. The content is mostly some form of challenge which involves food, busting myths or buying discontinued items online, with a bit of bad language (always bleeped out), some friendly banter and the occasional silliness. I probably wouldn’t recommend it for kids any younger than 10 however. If you are undecided, my advice would be to sit and watch some of their videos with your kids and see what you think.

Suitability Rating

I think suitability could be where the Stokes Twins get the thumb down from me. I’ve said that the Stokes Twins are suitable for kids aged 10+. So if your children are older than this then they should generally be fine. 

A lot of the videos I’ve seen are “Busting 100 myths about … “ or “I bought 100 banned products from Amazon”, food challenges and general challenges, things like that. 

The bulk of the content is usually fine, but there are a few things I don’t like, especially for my younger daughter.

The people in their videos can sometimes swear / cuss. It’s always bleeped out, however it doesn’t leave much to the imagination. As an adult you can almost always tell what the bleeped word was and it leaves me wondering if my daughter knows what they are too.

I don’t know if it’s an ongoing joke / meme but there’s quite a lot of fat jokes being made towards Alex (one of the Twins). This doesn’t bother me at all, it just seems like banter between the group, however I don’t know how my daughter feels about that kind of thing. I don’t want her to think that it’s OK to go around calling people names. As I said, it's almost certainly banter between them, but will your younger kids know the difference?

Again this is a personal preference thing, you might not be too bothered about the content. Given that my daughter is younger than the age range I’ve given. I’m inclined to not let her watch the Stokes Twins or supervise her if she does in the future.

Annoyance Rating

The Stokes Twins aren’t that annoying in my opinion. There’s no “Youtuber voice”. The best way I can put it is that they are talking to each other or talking to you and not at you. So as a parent this is a good thing. The Stokes Twins have a few other friends who appear in their videos, one guy, called Tanner, is a bit more silly and shouty / screamy. He can get a bit annoying. Overall I’ve got no real problems. 👍

My Daughter's Opinion

"I think they are great but they swear a lot"  - So I guess that answers my question as to whether she notices it or not.

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Fine for older kids. For younger kids I'd avoid


Not that annoying, which is good


Censored language and fat jokes / banter. Best for older kids

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