Is Zhong suitable for children?
- 52,600,000 Subscribers
- 1,901 Videos
- 3 Hours Watched
- Categories: Everything Else
- Age Range(s): 6-9 years 10-13 years
Overall - 3/5
Annoying and generic content
Annoyance - 5/5
Really annoying for parents
Suitability - 4/5
Nothing too bad, just empty content
Zhong has other channels which are dubbed in the following languages: Spanish, Portuguese and French. He doesn't post as frequently on them as his main channel.
Overall Rating
I find Zhong really annoying, you probably will too. Content wise nothing bad really. It's pure entertainment, but without any real world value.
Suitability Rating
Admittedly I’ve not watched a lot of Zhong and I feel like I don’t need to either. You can tell by pretty much every single thumbnail of every video, what the content is going to be like. The content seems to be the typical:
- I built a hidden room in…
- I survived some scenario
- Being Stalked by some dude in a mask
- World’s strictest school - everyone seems to be making the same type of videos on this!?
While the content is annoying, It’s not unsuitable. I’ve not seen or heard any swearing or innuendo, so you can count that as positive.
The best way to describe the videos is like empty calories; It’s junk food content that offers very little in terms of value, but your kids will probably find it highly entertaining.
Call it the Ultra Processed Food of the YouTube world.
With that in mind, it should be okay for children aged 6 - 9, although I’d be more inclined to say it's more for kids 10 years and older instead. It’s probably no different to any other Youtubers your kids will watch.
Annoyance Rating
Zhong is the definition of the term “Youtuber voice”. I’ve yet to come across a video where someone isn’t constantly shouting, acting if everything is an emergency and giving nothing less than 100% energy into everything they do. I’d commend them if it wasn’t so annoying. I’d be absolutely exhausted if I had to act like that. If it wasn’t immediately clear by now, Zhong and everyone on the channel are annoying. I don’t want to be in the room when they are on.
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Annoying and generic content
Really annoying for parents
Nothing too bad, just empty content