Is ASWDFZXCVBHGTYYN suitable for children?
- 1,000,000 Subscribers
- 144 Videos
- 3 Hours Watched
- Categories: Minecraft
- Age Range(s): 6-9 years
This is a channel from Unspeakable.
Overall Rating
ASWDFZXCVBHGTYYN or just ASWD for short is a character in the game Minecraft (played by Unspeakable I believe) which sounds an awful lot like Donald Duck. If you can remember Donald Duck, he has a unique voice. Well ASWD has a very similar, but much more annoying voice. Thankfully my daughter doesn’t watch him much, but when she does I usually end up leaving the room.
Apart from the voice, there’s nothing much to shout about. It’s just standard Minecraft shenanigans. Probably suitable for 6-9 year olds and I’d imagine anyone older wouldn’t give it the time of day.
Suitability Rating
From what I’ve watched, there’s nothing here that’s going to cause any concern. It’s your standard Minecraft stuff such as escaping from high security prisons, building secret houses, playing pranks on other Minecraft Youtubers etc. Oh and his really annoying duck voice!
Annoyance Rating
Parents will hate him, kids will love it. You hear his voice and think, who’s this; Donald Duck? And then you realise the videos last about 10 - 12 minutes of this almost non stop duck voice talking gibberish. As I mentioned above, I usually just leave the room. I really can’t stand it.
I’ve endured around 3 hours of these videos, sometimes the same ones multiple times (Why do kids always watch the same stuff over and over?!) you know, just to make sure nothing bad is happening. Thanks, you’re welcome!
My Daughter's Opinion
"His voice is like, really funny. I don't like how bad he is at parkour" - I can't believe she likes the duck voice so much. It's like nails on a chalkboard haha!
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Fine to watch, but just annoying
Unbelievably Annoying
Should be fine for most kids