Is Alexa Rivera suitable for children?
- 17,000,000 Subscribers
- 370 Videos
- 6 Hours Watched
- Categories: Everything Else
- Age Range(s): 10-13 years 13+
Overall - 4/5
Best suited for 10 - 13 years and older. Use your judgement with younger kids
Annoyance - 1/5
Not Annoying
Suitability - 4/5
Mild, bleeped out language, some innuendo
Alexa Rivera is the sister of Brent Rivera. You’ll often see videos of her with other YouTubers such as Ben Azelart, Pierson, Jeremy Hutchins etc.
Overall Rating
Alexa Rivera should be fine for kids aged 10 - 13 and older. If you’ve got kids aged 6 - 9, I’d use your own judgement as there are a few things you might not like. Positives being that she’s not annoying and her jokes aren’t that bad, well maybe a little cringey.
Suitability Rating
Alexa Rivera is suitable for 10 - 13 years and older, although I wouldn’t be surprised if younger kids watch her videos. Her content is pretty mild, but do expect to hear the word crap every now and then. There’s also some swearing / cussing which gets bleeped out, but it’s very obvious what was said. With this in mind I’d say use your own judgement if you have kids in the 6 - 9 age range.
There are little bits of innuendo in some of her videos, but it’s likely to go over the heads of the younger kids, hence why I think she’s suitable for older kids, just in case.
Content wise it’s a mixed bag:
- Trying out the top restaurants,
- Building secret rooms,
- Trying out banned items
- Surviving some scenario
- Pranks on other YouTubers
I would imagine Alexa Rivera appeals more to younger / teenage girls with her type of content.
Annoyance Rating
Not annoying to be honest. Just talking away to the camera. Nice to have someone not being too over the top with an always on type of voice, a.k.a the “YouTuber Voice”. She does tell some rather poor jokes, but It’s obviously meant to be bad in a way that’s funny. I don’t have problems with Alexa Rivera being on the TV..
Merchandise and Sponsorships
I’ve not seen any mention of merch in any of the videos I’ve watched and there doesn’t appear to be anything on her YouTube channel / page either. Probably safe to say there’s no merch or sponsorships.
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Best suited for 10 - 13 years and older. Use your judgement with younger kids
Not Annoying
Mild, bleeped out language, some innuendo