Is Aphmau suitable for children?

  • 22,000,000 Subscribers
  • 5,114 Videos
  • 6 Hours Watched
  • Categories: Minecraft Roblox
  • Age Range(s): 6-9 years

Vast majority of videos are Minecraft, Aphmau does play Roblox on her other channel - Aphmau Shuki

Overall Rating

Should be absolutely fine for kids aged 6 - 9. Moderately annoying for parents. Mostly Minecraft content.

Suitability Rating

Aphmau is suitable for kids aged 6 - 9. Kids younger or older than this I really don’t think would be interested in her channel.

The vast majority of her content is based around Minecraft. At the time of writing she has over 5000 videos, so as you can imagine there will be a fair amount of topics in the videos. Very hard to categorise, just a bit of everything.

Honestly they seem pretty harmless and nothing is likely to offend. I’d say her main target audience would be girls. I doubt boys would watch any of it.

She also does songs which seem to be hugely popular based on the amount of views they have. Again nothing to worry about.

Her content seems very geared towards kids, even the thumbnails in the videos suggest they are kid friendly.

However if you go back to her older videos. I’m talking 8+ years ago, you can find content around games that are for a much older audience. These games include Dead Space, Borderlands and Saints Row. Definitely adult games. Although its unlikely your kids will be able to find them with them being from so long ago.

Annoyance Rating

When I first watched a video from Aphmau, I instantly thought she was annoying. I almost made up my mind too quickly. She doesn’t have the “YouTuber Voice” and she’s not really shouty in that respect. I guess I just don’t like her voice? Harsh, but I tell it how it is!

I think what adds to the overall annoyance, is that she makes videos with other people, sometimes many people and they all have their own style and when they all talk together it can get annoying too. 

Overall Aphmau is, “not leave the room” annoying. Not bad but also not great. 

Merchandise and Sponsorships

Aphmau has quite a few stores one being aphmeow dot com which is your typical plushie and t-shirt / hoodie type shop and another being an Amazon store which basically sells the same thing as her main store.

I’ve not seen Aphmau advertise these in the videos I’ve watched, which is good, as this reduces the chance of your kids asking you to buy her stuff. However it’s not to say that she doesn’t advertise anything. I’ve just yet to see anything - one to bare in mind!

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Minecraft content aimed at kids


Can be quite annoying


Good for kids aged 6 - 9

Other Creators

  • Overall
  • Annoyance
  • Suitability
  • Overall
  • Annoyance
  • Suitability
  • Overall
  • Annoyance
  • Suitability
  • Overall
  • Annoyance
  • Suitability
  • Overall
  • Annoyance
  • Suitability